Sunday, June 7, 2009

To the mouse in my kitchen :)

Dear mouse,

I've seen you scurrying up and down the walls n running around million times, but (un)fortunately, I never really had the pleasure of getting to know you more closely. And then this morning, I find you behind a little 'dabba' in the kitchen !

Now, this isn't the best arrangement, you know? I'm scared to turn the tap on, because everytime I do, you squirm and twitch and try to find something to hide under. I don't want to put utensils in here because I'm scared that I'll crush you. And have you seen our maid? She's as HUGE as a sumo wrestler and trust me, you do not want HER evicting you from your newfound abode.

I don't know how and why you decided to frequent the kitchen or how you ended up in the here, but sweetheart, seeing as things around you are so wrought with peril, could you please figure out a way to leave?

P.S. You're more than welcome to stick around though. :)