Fat people who blame everything but the Ho Ho's they are eating for the reason they are overweight. You aren't fooling anyone. It isn't glandular... it's psychological and it's about self control and what you eat and the fact that you don't exercise.
Peas and broccoli . Argh, the thought of them makes my stomach turn. I think I must have regurgitated them way too many times as a child and legend continue.
Men who constantly grab themselves. What is with this all about? Can't you work this problem out in private? I know this guy who does more ball handling than Kobe Bryant. I know you may get a pinch or an itch occasionally.. women do to but you don't see us fondling ourselves at the grocery store do you?
Anyone who acts differently around others to make believe they are a certain type of person than they truly are. If you like Nascar, then like it. If you can belch on command, brag about it. Don't pretend that you are someone else because you think it is more socially acceptable. Grow a "set" and be who you are and love it. On the other hand, if you are a total social idiot who has no class or tact... don't necessarily flaunt it for the world to see either. Take a class or read a book or something and learn some social skills.
Hair that grows out of people's noses and ears . Please manicure your nasty orifices... I know as we age, we get hair in our ears and noses... 1 minute a day can alleviate the need for me to be forced to stare at your 4 inch nose hairs.
One uppers. I have mentioned this before. When I am having a conversation with you... listen. Don't just sit there pretending to pay attention while you think of a better story to trump mine with. It's rude and you look like a dumbass.
Liars and Careless. I don't need to say much more than that. Out of all these things listed above this is definitely the thing I truly do hate the most.
That was a bit therapeutic I must say....
Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !!