Monday, November 23, 2009

Me as an Example...

  Yesterday's , in  my  class I was definitely NOT paying attention. So what was I thinking about then, if not about what the professor was saying? Well, I started thinking about how much money I would give away to family (and possibly others non-related) if I won the lottery. I know right, how the hell do I even start thinking about something like that... and even worse, I was so into it too, probably like 10 mins. went by and I didn't even notice. So anyways, I snapped back to reality when the professor started talking about a trip she made to Italy  one time (I think it was work related... remember I wasn't paying that much of attention) and how she met this young Japanese girl who was nice and who looked like me. Me?...:O  Are you serious? I don't look ANYTHING Japanese, Chines  NOTHING! So everyone turned to look at my non-Japanese facial features. At least it wasn't as bad as the time my  professor back in  college  compared me to a French woman with hairy armpits...:P  let me fill you in:

I'm in class, listening to his life stories.
He was talking about a trip he made once to France
and about how "You just look around and see women dressed
like... like Nandini , and then they'd put their arm up and
they'd have a super hairy armpit, it was so disgusting to me..:x
but it's normal there so." :p

P.S. In case you were wondering, if I win over $8 million in the lottery I'd probably give $1 million each  to my Mum,and Dad  $10  to my brothers..:) but they  wouldn't be able to touch it just yet (cause they'd spend it WAY too fast), a couple of thousands to the rest of my family, like buaa, Masi , vinay bhaiya and probably $2 thousand more to a friend. The rest for me of course, and nothing for ......Anjali :P But anyways, I just checked the jackpot for right now and it's at $12 million... See, I'm a giver...:)

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !