Seconds can turn soft hearts to stone..
Seconds can make stone hearts to mourn..
Seconds can make eyes to glow or overflow..
Seconds can break trust, proving it hollow..
Seconds kill..... seconds save..
Seconds can even bring tsunamic waves..
Seconds stand between life and death..
Seconds separate even one's breath..
Seconds separate lightening and thunder..
Seconds can even make kings surrender..
Seconds just fly when one is in love..
Lovers when apart, seconds crawl..
Strong bonds made of years are broken..
If just a silly naughty second tries..
But however hard seconds or years try..
What remains a truth is that truth never lies..
If seconds come first and seconds die first
Then why is it named a second and not first?
Second is strong , many battles it wins..
Second is quick to separate even twins..
Yet a second remains "second" always..
caz what comes first is always God's will..
Sealed with kiss by nandini !