Monday, May 17, 2010

Nothing without you ..

A bitter truth thats dawning upon me now- i have a limited time with my parents..despite them being the reason for my being, my all..

Since the last 20 years, living with them was like the sun rising from the east-very batural,no big deal.. Now that i'm at hostel-physically distant from them for a major part of the last 3 years, I suddenly realise-I'm home, for just.. " a vacation"!

The next 5-6 years go into career building, followed by a job, a wedlock- when again shall i be the carefree Nanu I was,with Mum and Dad at my side,every single second of my existence...

I want to get back to them forever..

Suddenly, I don't like where I am, and who I am, without them

I want to be there for them.

I want to look after them,

I want to be the one to give papa his reading glasses,

And I want to b the one to help Mum with all the work..

Life doesnt move on without them...


YOU'RE MY LIFE ............
Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !