Anyway, the point here is that we, ugly people like me that is, need not worry about things so much. I mean, haven't you ever heard of the silver lining in the cloud? There happens to be an upside of everything and being ugly is not all that bad, you know. I mean, I thought I had it quite bad, but then I decided to change my outlook on life and found out there's much more to being ugly than meets the eye. I even had a discussion with a friend of mine about this and even she agrees with me on most of the points I put up....
First off, ugliness knows no bounds. It does not make distinctions between men and women. But women have an advantage, no eve-teasing (quite an expression we Indians have invented, this one), guys on the street don't tease you. And in my friend's words, "you don't really need to go to the beauty parlor, you are ugly anyway and they can try and you can spend lots of your money but no one can really make you look good and no one is gonna date you. Instead, you can go to a pub (but not in Mangalore) lol .... and spend your money on lots of booze."
Also, if you are ugly, you get a lot of sympathies from all the nosey aunties, which itself is advantageous especially for a kid. They would perhaps hand you some money every time they visit instead of just giving a really useless verbal blessings which they would not really mean anyway thinking that perhaps you could use that money to get yourself a makeover when you are old enough and eligible for marriage. On your part, you can save up on all that money and blow it on booze on your 21st birthday. You also don't really need to hide your birthday and your age. You are already ugly and no one cares for how old you are. Might as well add a few years to the real numbers to get past security in a bar and get drunk - again.
Notice how everything comes back to drinking?:P Well, that's the best part of it. Ugly people can get drunk all they want, make a hell of a scene anywhere and no one will remember after some time. Not the case if you look pretty, huh! Just ask yourself, if some really hot babe (doesn't work that much for a good looking guy, girls seemingly get turned off by such guys ) was making a scene in a pub after having one too many from the juice box, would you forget that too easy? Nooo. But if an ugly guy (or girl) was doing the same thing, not only would he (she) be thrown out of the pub but also from your memory almost instantaneously.
So you see, The Upside Of Being Ugly!!!.
P.S. - I am starting an NGO working for the ugly people's rights. We don't call people like me ugly anymore. The politically correct term is "aesthetically challenged". :D
woow nandini i knew you were a poet and now your that hidden writer also coming out .. its really very nice and how delicately you rephrased the word from "ugly" to "aesthetically challenged" ... taliyaaannn ...!!!
keep up the good work.
I think you are elaborating this factor very closely. Or motivating people to be ugly... Anyways.. you should be worried about to make ugly people regain their confidence against those who are with superior complexity.
vikas . i think you didn't get wat i wrote .:)
that's exactly wat i'm trying to them confidence[including myself] its just i have a different way of getting things done!!
Well.. sometimes it seems that you are doing the same task .. but other time, it is like you are doing something different...
Well a nice entry...
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