Note: This post will not be easy to read. Lots of rambling and complaining and whining involved.
I’m not the kind of person who gets pissed off easily. Who am I kidding? I am that kind of person. Brash. Irrational. But this time, my patience has been tested for more than i can handle . In other words, my patience has finally ditched me. Why do bad things keep happening ? It was one whole month of peace and quiet and suddenly, downpour. Why did this happen ? I have begun to have a murderous intent…..And the picture in my head right now, believe me guys, it’s not very pretty….and the ideas in my head, partly coz I’ve spend my day playing Hitman, aren’t pleasant either….Is it so difficult for some people to just get real ? Or do they get the idea only when they are made to back off? Is the cliché ‘Old habits die hard’ true? I know I’m sounding like a schizophrenic now. But seriously, I could murder right now…..or at least, break a nose, for sure. The one emotion which my aura would be radiating right now is –IRRITATION. I feel like screaming into a pillow. Are there some people put into this world just to make you feel wretched?

P.S. I know its not cool to complain. But I'm feeling a bit better already.
Yey I learnt chinese in an instant..:P Thanks for the picture...
Complaining... thats what blogging is all about... Everyone knows you yet you are anonymous...let it rip...
cheers !!!
i hope you felt better...just get it out of your chest!
just hopping by and showin' some love!
come and visit me @ fickleinpink, the dark side some time!
have a great day!
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