Haffin Haffin Hu!!! Look!!! How stress can affect your way of saying HI..!!!! Anywaz...Lets NOT talk abt saddy saddy things...Lemme talk about somethng that lightens my mood! Err...Not Tangy pleashh!!! *grins* Nah...ronaldo...*teary eyed*......*sigh*...I still like him though!!! ANYWAYS!! Lets talk about TINKERBELL...*beams*
Well...Tinkerbell...(see her pic up there u dodo!!) is this complete sweetheart!!!!! Now that u'v seen the pic, dont ask me WHAT is she??? *fumes* Shes this cute little COW *grins* with a silver bell hanging around her neck...Not a REAL cow though...Shez a key chain!!! DAMN cute!!! I must say!!! Brown in colour...a PINK nose....Yellow fluffy locks...the silver bell....A yellow flower...*ohh shooo cute!!*.n For all doz who ask me about the flower I tell u shes picked it up while grazing...*glares* Im sooo sick of ppl asking me about it!!!! Swear it, shes damn cute...Ask my friends *they envy me i say!!* n shez got the map of Swiss engraved rite behind her...reminds me of GEOGRAPHY!!!*worried!* Coz shez from Swiss!!!^_^~ My Darling Dad got her for me!!!! must have thanked my Dad a zillion times!!! Been with me for 4 years(not the Dad u moron...TINKERBELL!!)...4 WHOLE YEARS!!! Attached to a box of mine...shes rite b4 me for half of d day!!! *silly look* Looking at her...Tingling her silver bell....makes me Happy!!!!^_^ Most of the time during Lectures and classes im either adoring her...or.....zzzzzzzzz....*giggles* n wonder i loooove the game COWS n bulls...(hehehhehe!!) Dodo(read:Anjali!) n me once tried to set her up with Dodoz bugg...(its a key chain too!!!)...lolz..!!! Then on i ask Dodo to stay miles away from my Tinkerbell! I know i sound damn silly!!!! Come on...Don't tell me ur surprised...*grins* Anyways...I even go around clicking Tiner's pics...(hehehehe!!) n my friends and family r sick of that! but at the end of the day...I loooove my Tinkerbell! n im sure shes worth it...I mean...must hav got 1001 compliments from everyone already!!!!
Dont know what would I do if i ever loos her...*shudders*...i really dont wanna....swear! Till then...she is with me...^_^...n u know what??? I even celebrate her B.day durin the First week of November...so wish her Happy B.day ppl *giggles* I know u mst be actually wondering WTS RONG wid me! Never mind....! Thats it about Tinkerbell.. She'll be damn happy that i actually blog about her...*omg*!!!! *tell my friends*--->Don't give me that exasperated look ppl!!!!! U hav to c HER wenever u meet me...hehehhe!!...
Still wild, will always be,Nandini !
Happy bday TINKERBELL !!!
Happy birthday tinker :)
thank you anjali !!
thank you jeff u remembered.:)
ya dude its your tinker bell how can i forget :)
yup :) so sweet of you !!
many many happy returns of the day tinker bell!!
nanu will you let her go .?:)
thank you Dad ..
no .. i will never let her go :)
happy birthday tinker
And nanu congrats for her birthday
Long live the tinker bell.....mooooooo
@ ankit ...thanku sooooooooooo much for the sweetest wish. i told tinker n she send you a big kiss ;)
ready to receive... here it goes Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa :P
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