Monday, February 15, 2010

Guest Post by Dad !

Hello readers:)
as of now you all must know me as I  write  the comments on this blog, but today I got the chance to write the Blog. thank you Nandini  for giving me this opportunity  I feel very Privileged .
 Today is a very hard day for us, Oh how  I wish this time can just stop right here because I don"t want  tomorrow to come, Tomorrow my baby Daughter[ Nandini ] will be stepping in the big world all over again and this time more stronger then ever, and I can't tell how proud and happy we are for you.
     This is  the time when being  the Parent is most difficult thing to be in the world, when we want  to keep you  close to us all safe and protected from every thing but  we know we have to let you go, believe me it will  not be  easy at all when  I'll see you leaving home.  but deep down i know u'll be alright, you are very strong and smart  girl, sometime I wish I could be as strong   as you are, spaciously  after all you have been through, Hats off to you. All I want you to know that  I and your Mum  your Brothers will  always be with you, I'll always be right here  just the call away . So go ahead and be the Best as you can be .You are precious and My  "PARI"  keep smiling :)
Here is  a beautiful  song for you  just to let you know that I'll always be with you no matter how far you go or I go .

  I love you Darling Daughter of main .Cheers to you !



ARYA said...

thank you Dad .. love you so much :)

brute said...

Hi Uncle..

it's a very difficult job to be a dad... and she (ur pari) has the best!


babaji, ur dad rocks!

anjali singh said...

its so beautiful , i dont know how to hold my self .. nanu u got the best Dad in the whole world..
uncle this song is so nice i heard it like so many times and every time i listen to it i cry :(
beautiful song for beautiful daughter from beautiful Dad....
love you guyzzzz

Rajesh Rana said...

so cute :))