Wednesday, September 30, 2009

NO CLOTHES, really??

I open my cupboard every morning, to let out a sigh, 'I have no friggin clothes'!!
I do manage to put a decent Outfit together, almost everyday but yet I'm totally lusting for some outfit that hasn't found its way into my wardrobe yet. Being a [soon to be ] doctor and an immensely creative person (so I would like to believe)... I am always unhappy and find my way to the mall quite often... and my life is a one BIG circle.

Lack of clothes - Impulsive buys - total Bliss - Many compliments - more desires - lack of choices - Dissatisfaction ..... BACK TO MALL!!
I go on living this weird pattern (knowingly) and then comes along this spirited young girl.. looking fabulous everyday :P, working her way to a (Noble) cause ... while i lay mostly bankrupt with an overflowing wardrobe and yet no where in the same zipcode as Noble!!:P

Where did I go wrong? I should have taken a few tips from Anjali:(then again i thought NAAH!!! ,

PS: if Dad is reading this please pay closes attenuation , your Daughter is in need for big moola[money] :D

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stick 'Em Up!

I had a random thought pop into my head while in the shower this morning: I wonder if a bank robber has ever been stricken with sudden diarrhea during a hold-up? I would imagine that it has happened at some point... You know, I'm sure your adrenalin is racing, your heart is racing, and your nerves have to be pretty jangled... I am willing to bet cash money, I know that there has been a bank robber with total bowel control loss during a robbery...what you guys think ..?

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

This is nothing; just a state of mind,

The winter is so dry,
My eyes wet as I cry.
There is so much I want to say,
But there’s nothing I seem to convey.
Familiar faces, friendly names,
Sad poems & broken frames.
The darkness rises, I fall.
Tomorrow once again I’ll stand tall.
I want an answer, but what is the question?
I’ve been numbed, what is this sensation?
It pulls me apart while I try holding it together,
Every tragedy is comedy, so laugh a lot
The world is too big but life still too short!

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Letter To Nandini .. by Dad

My Dear Nanu !
“I don’t know why you are sad today . But I want you to know that I wouldn’t mind giving all my life for you, and we love you just the way you are right now, you are a perfect Daughter, Yes You can be a little stubborn at times, but I like the way you stand firm on things you believe in. I like the way you respect yourself. You can be silly at times and you don’t know how gullible you are! But you have a heart of gold. Maybe that’s why you touch my soul so deeply. You’re so compassionate - God stopped making people like you long back! You can never harm anybody. I admit, you can be blunt at times, but I know that’s because you’re dangerously honest. I like the way you take life so cheerfully, one day at a time. Stay the same, trust me, it hurts me when you’re sad. However, you’re so hard to handle when you get mad at something. But that’s a part of who you are. So I love your gussa too. And your smile compensates for that. And yeah, you’re very pretty! To sum up, you’re the kind of Daughter that every Father would love to come back home to at the end of the day just to hear your voice and see your smile,
I love you very much
Keep smiling:)

Dad !

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

guest post by DAD !!

The affection of a father is, daughter,
Sweet melody of a song is, daughter,
Live dream of every passions, daughter,
A unique gift of universe is, daughter
Dear of dearest face is, daughter,

By Dr. Baljeet Arya

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

99 Way To Be A Better Idiot !

1) Argue with everybody.
2) Touch the paintings at the museum.
3) Get hysterical.
4) Threaten law suits.
5) Insinuate, implicate and insist.
6) If you got it, flaunt it.
7) Eat produce at the grocery store and don't pay for it.:P
8) Gamble with the rent money.
9) Write over a borrowed Data.
10) Tell people that they are in your will, even if they aren't.
11) Don't get caught.
12) Stay directly in front or behind fire trucks and ambulances.
13) When giving out directions, leave out a turn or two.
14) Don't make up your mind.
15) Improve your posture by walking with your nose in the air.
16) Remind people who lose their job that they should work harder.
17) Talk with your mouth full.
18) Accuse, confuse and refuse.
19) Comment on the weight gain of others. :D
20) Adjust your ahammm ahammm ..:P whenever you want. :)
21) Keep a pile of wisecracks for tense and serious situations.
22) Answer a question with a question.
23) See what it takes for the lifeguard to blow the whistle.
24) Don't give to charities unless you get something back.
25) Just keep smiling when someone is really angry at you.
26) Clean your finger nails at the dinner table.
27) Tell people what they think they wanna hear.
28) Notice good ideas and pass them on as your own.
29) Put a title like Senator or Doctor before your name when making dinner or hotel reservations.
30) Don't volunteer for the back seat and never take the middle one.
31) Before exiting the elevator, push all the buttons.:P
32) Never do anything until you have been asked twice.
33) Put off until tomorrow whatever you can do the day after tomorrow.
34) Spot test "Wet Paint" signs.
35) Go up on the down escalator and vice versa.
36) Don't shower after a hard workout.
37) Lie about your age.:D
38) Change channels every two seconds
39) Develop at least 3 strategies for cutting in front of a police car.
40) Underline in other peoples books.:P
41) Slurp your soup.
42) If you can't think of something nice, say something nasty.
43) Be judgmental.
44) Announce when your going to the bathroom.[I do that all the time]
45) Read over peoples shoulders on the bus.
46) Ignore deadlines.
47) Revenge is sweet... so get some.
48) Squeeze the toothpaste from the top, and while your at it, leave the cap off.
49) Curse the umpire at a Little League game.
50) When it says "Reserved Parking" that means you. :P
51) Take the labels off of unopened cans.
52) Cover up your mistakes and pass the blame.
53) Pinch all the chocolate candies until you find the one that you want.
54) Borrow handkerchiefs to blow your nose. :D
55) When your done with your gum, stick it under the chair.
56) If you do something nice, make sure everyone knows about it.
57) Bribe little kids... cause they're easy!
58) Put a rude message on someone else's answering machine.[ ummmm yes done that ]
59) Measure people by their money and the clothes they wear.
60) Be ambiguous, it lets you work both sides of the issue.
61) Leave your underwear in the sink.
62) Chew other peoples pencils.
63) Support the death penalty for parking tickets.
64) Get a backseat drivers license.
65) Dish it out, but don't take it.
66) Be a perfectionist in absolutely everything.
67) Apologize a lot, but don't change.
68) Change the rules to suit your needs.:P
69) Cough on other ppl face .
70) Wear a shirt that says 'Fuck You' or to that affect.
70) Pull the covers over to your side.
71) Eat cookies or crackers in bed.
72) Let doors slam behind you in people's faces.
73) Repeat yourself.
74) Repeat yourself.
75) Tell your kids 'How it was..' back when you were a kid.
76) Vividly describe a hysterectomy to your date before ordering dinner.
77) Scribble your signature on important documents.
78) Use the whole can of starter fluid on the charcoal.
79) Put things back where they don't belong.
80) Take a colicky baby to the movies.
81) Have belching contests in restaurants.
82) Make the same mistake twice.
83) Pee in the swimming pool.
84) Ride on the shoulder un you pass all the jammed traffic, and then cut in.
85) Wear a large hat to the movies.
86) Always have an ulterior motive.
87) Always take the biggest piece.
88) Forget the pooper scooper when walking your dog.
89) Take cheap shots.
90) Take forever to find a word in Scrabble.
91) Cause gridlock.
92) Get up on the wrong side of bed.
93) Change your mind.
94) Glue a chip on your shoulder.
95) Put salt in sugar containers.
96) Blow out other peoples birthday candles.
97) Don't refill the ice cube tray.
98) Ask people what they paid for their clothes.
99) Cut off people in the middle of their sentences.

For the best experience, try them all :)

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My first day of college !

so today i was going through my mail box just to clear out all junk and stuff then i saw this mail, my very first mail i sent to my friends n family about my first day of MEDICAL COLLEGE [st.Kitts] so here read it out, it brought back lotts of memories.

ok so i woke up fine and everything in the morning and had sandwich for breakfast with milk and we went to the bus stop at 8.00am. but the bus came at 9.00. i sat in the passenger seat in the front with the bus driver. it was soo cooooooool. i could see everything so clearly. so we went to school and the class was already full. the admin was saying the MD1 batch has like 90 kids. so but anyway wen found a seat almost in the front. so then one of the teachers lectured us. and then we went to go see the new school. its much better. they are only waiting for the electricity, which they are importing for the UK. so then we went to the Birdrock Beach Hotel for orientation where they fed us dominos pizza and subway (eat fresh). it was all sooo good. they had drinks and other snacks out as well. so then the president of the school talked to us for like 1.5 hours. i really liked and enjoyed it. he told us one example where one of the students was driving and then he pulled over the car and took a sheep and put it in his car. and someone saw him and called the school and then the school asked the boy, "what the hell where you thinking" and the boy was like i wanted to cut it and eat it!!!!!!!!! i was like oh my god!!!!!! so after the orientation they dropped us off at home!!!!!! so i liked today!!! they were like if you were a good student back home like 3.5 and above then you will have no problem here. so i was like thats me and i was happy!!!!!!!! i would love to call u all, but our stupid vonage sucks. u cant hear a word and then i get upset!!!!!!!! So I think its ok here, the staff really takes care of u. the kids here are so annoying!!!!!!!!!!! Like no joke. There are these two boys that were in our bus and oh my god they would not shutup!! They were no less than ruffians. And talking so thug like… we were passing the beach and a girl was in a bikini and that boy was like, “hey, holler at me” and there was this other girl on the bus and she had a very very thick Indian accent so also kept talking and talking(like the engergizer battery). And tina was like shes like an answering machine. So yaaaaaaa!!!!!! So tomorrow I think the real thing starts and I think they will give us books and all!!!!! So peace out people!! Hows life there? Hows school and work? Anything new that I need to be updated on?!?!?!?! Just holler at me people!!! Aight then dawgs I will talk to you all later. Byeeeeeeeeee and take care and I only have 3 months and 12 days left!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent: Sat 9/01/07 11:24 AM

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !!

How to Infect Guys with Sensitive Nose

Not all are same. Some people are different. Some can even eat live Octopuses and some have Arachnophobia i.e. fear of spiders. Some can play quizzes on Facebook all day and some don't even understand what the F*** Facebook is. Some have strong arms and some people's nose is too sensitive. Anyway, talking of sensitive nose let me guide you to a small tutorial on how to infect people with sensitive noses to cold and flu.
  1. First of all you need to have very bad body odour. If you are regular in taking baths daily and take care of your hygiene, in short if you are like me or if your body smells like flowers you can skip the tutorial and watch TV instead.
  2. Hunt for mosquitoes. Doesn’t matter if they are dead or alive. They should weigh at least 50 grams.
  3. Pick each mosquito with any holder you can arrange and kill the mosquito to death. Do not kill it mercilessly by putting up any of the mosquito repellents. Instead, kill each mosquito by making it listen songs of ‘Radio’. Slow and peaceful death. Mind you, the aatmas of the mosquito may haunt you later by singing songs in different voices.
  4. Go to your nearest general store and buy the following items:
    1. 1 ALL-Out Bottle
    2. 1 pack of Ultrathon / or Kachua Chaap Agarbatti [ if you are in india]
    3. 1 packet of Good Knight, yeah those blue mosquito repellent chips.
  5. Take a mug of water and pour all the dead mosquitoes in it. Now add ALL-Out liquid and please DO NOT TASTE. As per chemistry knowledge of Nandini, this will form either a solution or an emulsion or a mixture.
  6. Keep crushing the Kachhua Chaap agarbatti till it converts into powdered form. Add the powder into the solution.
  7. Remove the silver foil from the Good Knight mat and put atleast 10-20 chips in to the water.
  8. Keep the solution still for 2 days and 1 night in your refrigerator and keep any children and pregnant ladies away from it.
  9. Filter the solution and separate the left over into another plate.
  10. Pour the liquid into Blue colored bottles with sprayers caps. (Mosquitoes get attracted towards the color blue. Say thanks now, I increased your IQ). People from Delhi may have slightly opposite views.
Now how to use the solution to effect. Get sweated up using any means of your choice. Play in the sun, do anything by all mean..:P

When you are wet and steamy, spray the solution on all the valid and deserving parts of your body as deo or perfume. Dump the semi solid paste till I think what to do with it.

Now the best part. Execution. Go to your college or office. Even if you are doing this unintentionally, find a innocent guy with sensitive nose whom you find sneezing and coughing more than 6 days a week. Just shake up a bit to spread the smell all over the classroom or workplace. You might think that you are smelling your best so always keep the evil grin ON!

The guy with sensitive nose will immediately get infected and because of this allergy to strange smells, he will start sneezing and continue to do so all day and at least 3 day to come.
Mission Accomplished.

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gaali Bhulaao Bhajan ...

Hello to all, this post is for ppl who give too much gaalis just like ME , so my advise to you just remember to speak less gaalis, whenever you feel like gaali-ing just punch hard into a concrete wall, it feels better. And if even that doesn’t help then sing along, the ultimate Gaali Bhulaao Bhajan:P

Please don’t speak any gaali,

Gaali se bachne ki hai yeh Qawaalli,

Jyada bad waords bakne se hoti hai zubaan kaali,

Gaali is like a pappy 1 Dollar Note, that too Jaali,

Gaali makes a hole in our beautiful cultural Thaali,

Pahunch jaaoge narak ki kotwaali,

Aapke bachhe aapko hi kahenge mawaali.

Why do you want to become Gaali-Maar-bagh ka maali,

Try to become like The Great Khaali,

Please don’t speak any gaali,

Never retort: Kutti, kameeni, saali…

Saali toh hoti hai aadhi gharwali. //Just to rhyme ;-)

Bigadi hui baat mushkil se jaati hai sambhaaali,

Ab kahin Nanu ki naa lag jaaye watt so Nanu ne ab yeh baat hai Taaali,

Good bye for the time being… De taali!

Sealed with kiss by Nandini !!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dear God ..

No, I am not going to say even if I am having uncontrollable urge to say ..
[Tann!! (sound of GHANTA !), aaj.. Aaj khush toh bahut hoge tum, haain! Jo part-atheist part-faithful person jisne aajtak tumko koi blog post dedicate nahi ki.. aaj.. aaj woh (aaak thooo (goes well with the scene you see but looks as mouth is full with Pan Parag Pan Masala Pan Parag tintintintin Tiin!)) who iss post k through tumko sawal poochna chaahti hai..” Yes, I will not say this. Okay start!

See God, I have been a good Gril since my childhood. I never lied to anyone provided it was a matter of life and death, never ever lied to my parents (umm... yes, never lied anything whenever they asked me!), never drank alcohol[with out their permission] , never smoked, no beedi, no ciggy not even the hukka! Never cheated in exams (yeah, I might have let others the answers but I tried my best to not see in other’s. Yes, if the wind direction was good and the neighbor’s answer sheet itself curled and I happened to glance the answer, I might have got the idea that my answer is wrong ) and I never asked anyone the answer. Gal of principles you see. Never hit anyone intentionally (except my brother, they deserves few punches sometimes but they always returns them along with interest and yes one i beat 1 firangi ), never stole anything, never saw that kind of movies and that I never hurt anyone’s feeling that badly that unke pass suicide karne k alaawa aur koi raasta na bache i.e. I never hurt anybody’s feeling that badly that they had no option than to train their kids to kill me someday.:P

So, if I had been a good Girl , why is it happening to me. I never got upset with you when somebody stole my soccer ball which had DJ'S signature on it. I never got angry when that guy got 3 marks more than me in 10th grade and became the 1st rank holder. No, I cannot even brag because what I got was nothing people get nowadays. Nowadays, if you have percentages less than 90, people say, “Ch ch, dekho Teenu, Cheenu ki percentage SIRF 89.99 hai. Khabardar jo maine tumko uske saath khelte dekha. 89% chii…”[:P, and yeas... I even never got upset when pouch of my camera got lost.:D

Is there any way I can get back to where I left? I was a happy smiling person who cracked jokes even when India lost the 2003 World Cup. I have changed now. I did not want to be like this. (Ting: I do not remember that any English teacher in school teaching me that we shouldn’t use past tensed verb when we are using did even when I got almost the highest marks in school. If any school mate reading this can remember that class when they did teach that.

Where is the signal God? I know that you are not that selfish that you will ask me to come to your temple and submit my application with 11 Dollars note inside it and decorate it with a pack of Besan K Laddoos. I know you can listen but it is probably possible that you read blogs too.

P.s.: I don’t want to be called as a funny GAL. It gives me an impression as if I am a clown. Few days back, a friend i mean pooja bhai saab pinged me on YM and asked me to crack a joke since she was frustrated with her work. I wanted to hit my mouse on her Avatar but after all it was my mouse and my monitor. No offense pooja, Thanks for that award. But I don’t want myself to be remembered as a funny ladki. A good Gal with a resonable sense of humor could have made my day and I understand that your intention was exactly that.

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Monday, September 14, 2009

Friends For Life !

“Adit… Adit…”[ Adit is a fiction character] she goes running to him for everything. Slightest of things, and she just HAS to share them with him.

Adit I can’t find my glasses!
Adit I don’t feel like attending any of my classes!

Adit I think he hates me!
Adit she so irritates me!

Adit I finally learnt to fly a kite,
Adit I think I should be on a diet!

Adit I am running short of attendance,
Adit I feel like singing, you be my audience.

Adit I just wrote something and you HAVVE TO listen to it,
Adit I am buried under piles of journals I need to submit!

Adit ok I cannot understand this so ,
Adit I fought with my bros.

Adit, you thought I’d laugh at that? I don’t find it funny!
Adit I lost my wallet and I’m running out of money.

Adit I am not sleepy, talk to me!
Adit, leave me alone, let me be.

Adit, I’d kill you for that, if I could!
Adit I’d die without you, I swear I would!

No matter how ‘filmy’ this sounds, she actually feels perfectly okay as he listens to her, assuring her that she deserves all the happiness in the world and her life is meant to be alright!
Guess that’s the MAGIC of friendship!
He thinks she is a good egg, so what if she’s half-cracked? :P LOL Besties for life!

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I HATE it when

  • I can’t find my glasses
  • I try sketching someone and it resembles someone else..:)
  • Someone pulls my cheeks or calls me CUTE or KID or something like that.:x
  • People forget to return my calls or respond to my texts ,scrap..huh
  • There's too much chlorine in the swimming pool
  • The cashier has no change
  • errmmm... someone pulls my comforter to wake me up :P
  • I have to put make-up on(I love letting my skin breathe without it).
  • I get CRAMPS!!!
  • I get forward-this or-you-will-die emails.
  • Dad gets home late
  • I see/think/dream about snakes
  • Someone dies, more when it's an untimely death or a cruel one
  • Someone pronounces my name wrong
  • My cell, lappy freeze up
  • Someone means something to me and they leave me unnoticed
  • Someone gives me a reason to get mad and then cribs about my anger
  • I don’t get the movie tickets
  • I have to get my eyebrows threaded! (ouch! it hurts so bad!)
  • Someone laughs when I speak Hindi
  • I have to wake up unnaturally esp. early in the morning[ my usual sleeping time ]
  • I miss someone even when I don’t want to
  • Someone misunderstands me
  • A star breaks (shooting stars)
  • People pluck flowers or leaves
  • Someone breaks their promise
  • I have to take pills/injections or get blood tests done
  • I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep again
  • People say things they don't really mean
  • My hair fall on face and my hands are too dirty to push them back
  • Someone cries
  • I spot a pimple on my face. Ewww
  • I have to wait
  • I hear/say a GOOD BYE

aaaahh! don't want to talk about it anymore!

Sealed with kiss by Nandini !

Friday, September 11, 2009

ME !!

I’m the apple of my daddy’s eye,
I’m the only one who can make my mom cry.
I am a such-a-bitch and I am a bestest-friend.
I am just-a-friend and I am a ‘girlfriend’.
I am silly. I am smart.
I am a work of art.
I feel scared at times, I feel insecure, I feel as fragile as a flower.
Nonetheless, I feel free. Free to do what I feel like doing. I sing in the shower.
I wear confidence on my face.
And I still walk with grace.
I stand firm on what I believe in, I say what I want to say
But I bow to the inevitable and I kneel down as I pray.
I shattered. I broke. It hurt when you said GOOD-BYE!
All the same, I can ask you to go to hell, as I look you in the eye.
I make mistakes, I mess up. Life teaches me something every time I go wrong.
I am strong enough to learn or is it in the learning that I become strong?
I may not to be everything you want, but I am something and more
I may not be a celebrity, but I sure am a STAR and I’m the girl-next-door.
Love me or Hate me - for what I am, NOT what I should be.
I admit, I am not perfect at anything, but I am perfectly perfect at being ME.
I know LOVE, and so I love you.
Take me as I am, because if I change, I’d be too perfect for you!:)

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini

Thursday, September 10, 2009


this is only to remind myself that i am blessed!!

well i have a great family for one. they love me for who i am and what i am not!! my brothers are the most amazing ppl on this planet..eccentric but amazing!!! mom dad...its a mystery how they live with my crazy ideas and mad behavior

then god has blessed me with the most terrific friends one could ever have.. disha, vidhu, Dangi :) r my best friends...i am so lucky to have u 3 that u cannot imagine..

these ppl never judge me, never doubt me, and have stuck with me thru thick and thin. and the best part is that they knw when to speak and when to stay shut.

I have Telepathic friend Ankit ...technically my better half with time we have developed a telepathic network between our brains(jo bhi thoda bohot dimaag hai) and its just amazing to see someone with such gigantic listening power. He will listen to what i have to say without a negative comment and just makes me feel so much better....

Weird girl Anjali!!! the most unusual being on the face of this earth. she is one person who will tell me on my face if i am being a bitch and also will stick around in the time of crisis! she says the right things at the right time. i cant explain the bond i share with her ...maybe because its so beautiful and special that words aren't enough...cliche ye true!!

and all the other things that make this life so beautiful...trees, flowers, chocolate, books, teachers, shopping malls, cinema halls, MUSIC, colors, rainbows, SUMMER, flyovers,college, ex school, ............everything that makes me wanna shout out loud........everything that turns on my senses.............

sometimes when i am low and when i hate this life and i curse the circumstances...i should really read this post..........

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

NEED SLEEP zzzzzzz

my head is going to burst out from the lack of sleep. i want to just close my eyes and SLEEP! how i would like a comfortable bed and nobody to wake me till i have slept as much as i can. haven't slept since 3 days and now saturation point is also saturated.zzzzzzzzz........ i want a pillow, a nice, fresh, comfortable, soft pillow. and a quilt to hide me from all the vices while i rest in tranquility and allow my brain to relax. i want to move away from this student life and go the realms of dreams and fantasies....

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Monday, September 7, 2009

Why God Made Eve

10. God was worried that Adam would frequently
become lost in the garden because he would
not ask for directions.

9. God knew that one day Adam would require
someone to locate and hand him the remote.

8. God knew Adam would never go out and buy
himself a new fig leaf when his wore out and would
therefore need Eve to buy one for him.

7. God knew Adam would never be able to make a
doctor's dentist's or haircut appointment by himself.

6. God knew Adam would never remember which night
to put the garbage on the curb.

5. God knew if the world was to be populated, men
would never be able to handle the pain and
discomfort of childbearing.

4. As the Keeper of the Garden, Adam would never
remember where he left his tools.

3. Apparently, Adam needed someone to blame his
troubles on when God caught him hiding in the

2. As the Bible says, "It is not good for man to be

And, finally, the Number 1 reason why
God created Eve....

1. When God finished the creation of Adam, He
stepped back, scratched his head, and said, "I can
do better than that!"

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

10 WORDS/ Phrases I USE

(1) Fine: This is the word I use to end an argument when I am right and you need to shut up.

(2) Two Minutes: If I tell it'll take just TWO min, this is likely to be half an hour. Or put you on hold for TWO min be prepare to wait for at least another half an hour.:)

(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine (see point 1).

(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It! I assure you will regret it.

(5) Loud Sigh: This isn't actually a word, but a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by ppl. A loud sigh means I think you're an idiot and I'm wondering why I'm wasting my time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements I can make to a man. That's okay means I want to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

(7) Thanks: I'm thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless I say 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and I am not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome'. that will bring on a 'whatever' see below).

(8) Whatever: Is my way of saying F--- YOU! ( I am often too polite to use the f-word..):P

(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that I have told to do several times, but I'm doing it myself. This will later result in someone asking 'What's wrong?' For my response refer to # 3.

(10) You're stufid/stoopid: You're stufid, means affection, i think you're silly but cute, You're stoopid, is not affectionate at all, it means exactly what it says and any response on your part will lead to #8

I hope this will help you to understand me better n faster :)

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A message

Dear friend,

I do not expect to be the most important person of your life or even a significant bit of your day. Thats way too much to ask. I would be happy if you ever hear my name, you say with a smile, "Hey, that's my friend!"

We may take different paths in life but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other with us.

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !