Sunday, November 29, 2009

Expectations 2

We all think we're going to be great and we feel a little bit robbed when our expectation aren't met,
but sometimes our expectations fall short.
Sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected.
You've got to wonder why we cling to our expectations because,
the expected is just what keeps us steady, standing still,
and the expected is just the beginning.
The unexpected is what changes our lives.

~ Closing quotes of Grey's Anatomy Season 2,episode .

Expectations is a something which we all carry around with us.
Personally I am really not a fan of expectations, in fact thats one thing I really wanted to get away from, and to certain extend did but a few fragments of it still cling to me. And no matter what I do they don't leave me, I guess they are using Fevicol - 'as they say Fevicol ka joor toote ga nahi' :P

We all say the best way to go is having ''No Expectations''.
But the truth is if we have no expectations, then we will be like a dead soul wondering around with nothing to look forward to. Pain and happiness are the sides of the same coin, a coin which works in Kingdom Life. My DAD just pointed out to me that our Dreams and Goals are also expectations does that mean we should stop dreaming ??
I guess not, Expectations will always cling to us in one form or the other, all we can do is, filter our expectations and root out some of the weeds in them, channelize our expectations towards ourself away from others because many a times its the others who don't live up to our expectations than us going the honors.

Well talking of the unexpected, thats where a new journey begins into the unknown and sometimes the unknown surprises us in a way that the known could never reap its pleasure.

Well I must say Expectations has left me really confused,
I guess having Expectations is a part of being human.

I so wanna be an alien : P : P

P.S - This post is a product of my disconnected thoughts on expectations, I guess someday I might be able to make some sense of it. Till then I hope you guys throw some light on it :D 

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I went to a very posh lunch with  My Dad and My brother Amit where the average age was between fifty and a hundred. Lunches like that can be slightly straining and when I’m in a circle of people I’m not completely at ease with, I do one of two things. I either be quite and just smile  or try to make people laugh. On arriving at functions, I test the crowd with either a lighthearted compliment or an obvious joke, see which one has them smiling and run with it. On this particular occasion, I hit them with ‘Is this the graveyard shift?’ which didn’t go down too well and following that I asked the Dad‘So is lunch on you or do we have to eat off boring plates?’ which had a similar effect.

So without realising it or being able to control it, I took on a whole new tact. I started talking like Anne Hathaway. And not Devil Wears Prada Anne Hathaway, Shakespeare’s wife Anne Hathaway. And God help me, I couldn’t stop.
Dad: This is Nandini.
Me: How do you do?
Host: I’m wonderful thanks.
Me: Splendid. Excuse the interruption, where would one find the water closet?
Host: Straight down the hall to your left.
Me: Thank you ever so much.

While harmless, it got worse when we sat down at a table which seated a small country and I was placed between a professor of something unpronounceable and a woman who definitely had her lifted eyes on my Dad.

Me: You have a lovely abode.

Amit: Nandini, why the hell are you speaking like that?
Me: Hush young man.:P 

Amit: Nanu, you sound like an idiot.
Me: Methinks not.
Host: Nandini, help yourself to some with some food .

Me: Why, it is most beauteous.
Dad: *Whispers* Nandini, why are you speaking like this?
Me: *Whispers* I have no idea. Please make me stop.

A complete lunch of ‘What say you’s?’ and ‘perchance’ and many walks in the garden to stop me from speaking to people, we were eventually able to leave.

Host: Goodbye , I’m sorry you have to leave so soon. 

Dad: Great seeing you but we must get back to the time warp that Nandini seems to be stuck in.
so yes this was my one event full day :P

Sealed with  kiss by Nandini !

Monday, November 23, 2009

Me as an Example...

  Yesterday's , in  my  class I was definitely NOT paying attention. So what was I thinking about then, if not about what the professor was saying? Well, I started thinking about how much money I would give away to family (and possibly others non-related) if I won the lottery. I know right, how the hell do I even start thinking about something like that... and even worse, I was so into it too, probably like 10 mins. went by and I didn't even notice. So anyways, I snapped back to reality when the professor started talking about a trip she made to Italy  one time (I think it was work related... remember I wasn't paying that much of attention) and how she met this young Japanese girl who was nice and who looked like me. Me?...:O  Are you serious? I don't look ANYTHING Japanese, Chines  NOTHING! So everyone turned to look at my non-Japanese facial features. At least it wasn't as bad as the time my  professor back in  college  compared me to a French woman with hairy armpits...:P  let me fill you in:

I'm in class, listening to his life stories.
He was talking about a trip he made once to France
and about how "You just look around and see women dressed
like... like Nandini , and then they'd put their arm up and
they'd have a super hairy armpit, it was so disgusting to me..:x
but it's normal there so." :p

P.S. In case you were wondering, if I win over $8 million in the lottery I'd probably give $1 million each  to my Mum,and Dad  $10  to my brothers..:) but they  wouldn't be able to touch it just yet (cause they'd spend it WAY too fast), a couple of thousands to the rest of my family, like buaa, Masi , vinay bhaiya and probably $2 thousand more to a friend. The rest for me of course, and nothing for ......Anjali :P But anyways, I just checked the jackpot for right now and it's at $12 million... See, I'm a giver...:)

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Results of a MY survey!!

This post is about what my friends think about me....huh!

Actually we all of my get together some time back   the post is a result of a survey I conducted...or we conducted.

lemme explain ...

I and my friends...actually 9 of us...took 9 bowls for each of us...then all of us wrote about what we feel about each person...but identity was not revealed.....that is we could write anything about anyone without that person knowing who wrote it about him/her..

I should tell you that we are 5 girls and 4 boys in this group...

I got mostly good comments...from my friends..but...bad comments too...I actually did one more thing..that is repeating the survey with my dad and mom...

so here goes the results...

##You are a very honest person...not in the sense of..what we normally think ..but in the sense of honesty to self..which makes you regret less about things happening in your life.

##A girl who is very up to date in thoughts..and has  a cool fashion sense..and so is seen mostly in anything she finds to wear....but..loves to wear salwar she is a proud Indian.

##Always first to say sorry at times of quarrels..of fights..and has thank you at the tips of her tongue...and so half of the phone bill is because of sorry s and thank you s.

##The funnest  person one can ever find....Knows that everyone need their own spaces...but never demand for her' sweet. ( totally confused personality)

##Very very argumentative...can become a lawyer....always first to question the teachers... and make the whole class laugh with your stupid...questions.

##Kind to animals...very kind.....loves them very much..less kind to friends.:x

##Perfect personality..can be mature sometimes..very mature...but....doesn't loose her...chulbuli types behavior (here chulbuli means chirpy).

##Loves parents so much...some time brothers too ..:P

As I told you all that I did this survey with my parents too..huh!.

Mom:..sensitive, understanding,funny, polite, kind...and  very obedient ...meri pari .:)

Dad:.spontaneous...very intelligent, humble, single Daughter ..a spoilt perfect NANHI PARI :)

ps:) I first thought to post it as a scanned document..but because there were many bits of paper so I couldn't.

pps:) you can add ur comments to good or bad..k

Sealed with akiss by Nandini !

Friday, November 20, 2009

We the ARYA guinea pigs!!



You all must be wondering why have I put that title?

It has got a lot of meaning friends...

You might not understand because you all don't live in the same situations My dad , My bros and I live in. lol


Actually my mom is a very good cook....but what happens is..being a working woman she didn't get much time to try out new recipes...huh!

So now she has got some kind of mania to do that...haha

For the last some months ..she is having this mania..

In this process some..things turn out well and some..huh! don't ask...!!

and I  have a strict rule at home... that I need to finish my food  or else :x

now what happens dad, bros  and I are the guinea pigs at my house....

If recipes turn out to be a success then well and good...but if they turn out to be a failure..then...only God can save us.

So my request is please pray for the 4 guinea pigs :P 

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Expectations...and only expectations huh!

A parent expects his/her child to be the most perfect human being in the whole world....
A teacher expects his /her students to excel in all fields...
A husband expects his wife to be the most beautiful and caring
A wife expects her husband to be more generous, kind and more lovable :P

Ahh! I might be wrong ...and the expectations might be different..but don't you think we all expect a lot from others?

Don't you think that is a kind of dependency?

Don't you think life would have been much more easier if we expected less from others?

I have often felt that one of the main reasons of sadness is expecting a lot...

Love..which mysteriously connects two people..gets ruined due to expectations...

~~* A few days of my friends...did something that left me shocked...I am shocked even now..I Iexpected her to be doing well in studies..but..ahhh!!..that made me realize....I really expected too much..what right do I have..yes I am a friend.. and friends shouldn't have expectations from each other i think.... 
Friendship is the most precious relationship on this Earth..I value it so much....

Expectations do ruin it...yes I've experienced it....

Be happy be not expect too much even if u r a fool :P hey I rhymed it that on a funny note though :P

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Ask my friends what my passion is & invariably they'll say it has something to do with electronics. True. But ask people who know me very very well what my true passion is & they'll say it is throwing away money on mobile phones! True again. I was given my first mobile phone when  i was entering  9th grade about  seven years down the line, it has become a favourite pass time of mine to keep changing mobile phones. Not that wasting money was/is a dream of mine, but somehow, the urge to explore new trends in telephony has gotten the better of me!

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine, when she asked me if I knew how many phones I have owned over the   years. It was an interesting question .but even i didn't know the answer :)
 All those who kept advising me to get myself checked at a psychiatrist's,and  if you think I am completely out of mind with this habit of mine, well, I don't really care :P

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Sunday, November 15, 2009

just a thought !!

Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.

 Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sometimes..i feel's strange
Sometimes..its better not to show that you care
Sometimes..silence IS golden realize that you've realized something far too late and then you can do nothing about it realize that you are in love with your best friend :) have to hide your feelings,the pain,the agony,the anguish seeing your best friend in so much pain when  all you want is her to be happy. cant confess your feelings .
Sometimes..its better not to say anything,put up a smile and watch life going by. feel so helpless that it kills you inside..slowly,deeply,incurably. can see something  just slipping away from your hand but all you can do about it is stare at it helplessly reach a stage in life when you think you've done your share of hard work,you've been the most intelligent and sought after one for the time enough,then you adopt a laid back attitude in life though still not wanting to give away your prestitious position of being a perfectionist,to some one else..and then you feel like a loser..sometimes..most of the times..
Sometimes.. you think all that matters is  you.
Sometimes struggle hard to fight back your tears but all you end up with is more of them try hard to put all your thoughts,frustration,sadness,fears,contemplation in a poem but what you come up with is just another cliche',hard to comprehend rambling which does not frustrate you further because you are already too frustrated to give a damn really ,badly, want things to be like they used to be..almost perfect can be so harsh are given no choices, only lectures about being strong and "deal" with it

 Federer- God,its killing me..
I - Me too..


Still wild, will always be,Nandini !

Friday, November 13, 2009

If Only We Can

a friend and I were discussing.

why it would have been so easy if we had just taken commerce  because then...we would have not had to study our asses off in school.or college.or later,by the age that we get our degrees in medicine we would have been earning .....a shit load of money which would be greater than a doctor's peak anyday,all the 'cool' and non nerdy  looking are there only :P .....we would have smoked pot by 17...[well  not me.. that is wat my friend was thinking] .we would be wearing low waist jeans and the and other funky stuff , medical students would be cursing our luck on how we manage to earn, have a bf/gf and enjoy life while they dont even have a degree.:P
we wouldnt have been able to crib about anything and everything..we would be in a drunken stupor right now.and on muchloadsofweed.again [NOT ME]:P. we woulnt be cribbing about singleton.we would have said that it rocks,and none of us would have a blog, unless it was ordered to us by our gf/bf. oh!we would have gf/bf to have n to hold :)

but you know. I still wouldnt trade my places with a commerce ppl right now. thats because....
we may crib, but we have our pride(something only med students may understand)
huge self respect. loads of money, someday, hopefully.a future plan. :D

work enjoyment(not applicable to students) emphysema and cirrhosis on a later stage of life.

*this was a work of fiction and of two over tired medical students
*not resembling anyone in reality and not made to make fun of others.

Still wild, will always be,Nandini !

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Being occupied with doing nothing is what I'm known for!! People wonder how can you do nothing...You know, you can do nothing by just doing N.O.T.H.I.N.G! See, not totally nothing, but doing something which you aren't supposed to be doing at that particular moment is counted as nothing according to me :P Like, if a friend calls up and asks me what all did i study, and if I'v read a book, watched a movie or played 25 games of SUPER SMASH BROTHERS , I'll still say I did nothing! Now if people assume by nothing I meant I was laying around on the couch counting the number of spider webs, its not my mistake! And I'm sick of explaining it to people,really! I'm constantly doing something, but the problem is that my mum going all crazy over me not doing what needs to be done has taught me that I'v been doing nothing! 

Still wild, will always be,Nandini !

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Random things are the best to talk about actually! Meaning, for so long I'v been wanting to blog, and then I was without an that really doesn't help! So ya, I sort of realized that the best thing to talk about is total random stuff...and so here I am, hope I come up with some random stuff...Oh I will!
So as u may not know  I suffer from Agyrophobia...Its not as serious as Cancer or TB :) , but yes, it freaks the life out of me! Its basically the fear of crossing roads...sigh! All of my life and haven't been able to cross a single road without going through a minor heart attack and the feeling of being walked across the road by angels :) At such time, believe me, you do wish the 'jetpack'  Must admit, but it is a scene worth laughing at when I'm crossing the road! If I'm all alone,[AND IN WASHINGTON D.C.] you'll see me on the same side of the street for the next half an hour...contemplating wheather to run/hopp/crawl/skip/sprint/fly across the road now or later...I look right, then left, and then again right...then again left, then right, then left, then right, then left and keep doing so to make sure theres no vehicle coming...but the problem is, this left-right business goes on you know and I can't help but stand still while other people cover another 3-4 miles :) I actually even hang up on people I'm talking to, just so that I can get started with my left-right ritual...and then my friends complain for having called back an hour later...who'll explain to them now!! If I'm with someone, it sort of helps, not totally, cause then I'm usually laughed at loud for this weird fear of mine before they grant me a favor by helping me :| Even that varies! People like Joseph and Kelly who'v gotten used to it have the patience and don't mind it if I hold their hands tight, like a child does when with its mummieee!! Anjali pointed out that I hold it tight enough to fracture the hand :| I'm sorry! :( With others, after they'v made a laughing stock out of me, they just DRAG me along, usually I'm half flying into the air, considering the speed at which they run across the me a heart attack, a major one this time :) You know, I could actually stop dead in my tracks and get these kind of people run over by a car to thank them for all those he-he-ha-ha moments they'd had at my cost :| 

~This ones managed to ridicule me even the more...another phobia, Escalaphobia :) Thats the fear of 'Escalator's' btw :) point to be noted i have this phobia [ONLY THE ONE TALLER THEN 2-3 FLOORS] that horrible thing which takes you to the next floor and you just have to stand and not move, and its not the elavator!!! It gives me the jitters...(now you know why I HATE UNION STATION !!) Its almost everywhere!! I usually wait for the elavator or quitely take the stairs, not before explaining it to people around me, and then again welcoming obnoxious stares :) People wonder, whats there to be scared of THAT thing! For me, its not just a thing, its a nightmare, don't you understand!!Actually, it all started when I was a kid, I was prancing around at world trade center on an escalator which was apparently not working! Some idiot thought I wanted to use it, and switched it on :| I was caught unaware, and it somehow has gotten into my mind! and then on, while people use that horrible thing, I quitely slip back and use the stairs...literally the stairway to heaven :D People find it funny...I wish I could just know, make them realize how it feels !!! :(

~Lastly, I don't have any more random small talk to come up with! What to do? Just remember that you=you and not 'u', say no to slang, don't keep saying  what-the-fucking, don't ever try chilli sauce with sweet potatoes , never shop from Hobby Ideas, never go on evening walks with your mom and her best friend,  don't call a Keyboard a Piano :| ,  avoid reading 'dance of democracy' (atleast I do), don't think vampires are cool after you watch twilight, and lastly, dont dont ever dont ever never  tell your siblings  that your name means have something to do with COW in HINDI grrrrrrrrrrrr

Otherwise, Life is pretty much chocolate and  ice-cream :P
Still wild, will always be,Nandini !

Friday, November 6, 2009

WHY...thats the question....No? i think so ..

When I blog, it has to have a reason...i know it sounds as selfish as SELFISH can sound...but it...or don't read it, you haven't been held at gun point :) Not yet ! Oh, anyways! I guess
its been REALLY long since I'v been  blogging, but still  dont know  the basic rules of making sense and that of showcasing your super cool sense of humor, forgive me...I wouldn't care a bit if you yawned or just scanned through or stopped reading it or worse, 'reported abuse' :| you know...I haven't got all the time in the world...which I really wish I'd have...*sigh* Bless you! lemme get to the wait...a question actually...Not really...Oh is a question may be...or is it? may be not...argghhh....Can I just get started with it ?!?!
Well...the question in question is WHY...spell as W.H.Y (and 'y' in sms lingo) pronounced as Va-y (now what was THAT for?!) there are SO many times when this word like totally makes you feel as though you are some sort of an alien...from some alien planet, where the way of life is so much much easier...then WHY is it this way out here on THIS planet? I tell you...this word clouds my mind more than ANY other word that i use (read: SENSIBLE word) Its often accompanied by a huge '?' and the 'wide-eyed' expression ! :O eg:
WHY cant we always be lucky? Lucky like one of those super-lucky-ducks who get WHATEVER they'v asked for...and i'm NOT talking of material things! I'm not that lame...But yeah...WHY do their stars always shine at the right time and at the right place?!!?! what are my stars doing?? Oh well...can't blame them...may be they are as lazy as me :) :( I never get to talk to people I want to talk to, I never get to be all alone when I want to, I never get to see people who make my day, I never get to avoid the company of people I totally am sick off, I'm never able to be totally mean and then not feel guilty, i'm never able to tell people what I really want and what I totally detest, I'm never able to ask people to SHUT UP and go suck up to someone else, I'm never able to tell people how much I hate their behavior...never....towards the end...when I really want to be mean and bitchy and rude and indifferent...WHY don't you get what you'v asked for? Oh well...its quite true that what you asked for was a bit tad too much...but WHY does it have to be 'too much' everytime? AND...that you remain all alone...even the meeniest to tiniest creature gets what they'v asked for ha! (half of which is not true...but its OK as long as its MY blog!!)  So basically, you never get the right the right place...ask WHY? you don't know WHY??? duh ! Cause your stars are are busy vacationing :) They care two hoots about you :) nice no? And believe slowly get used to me, and then one fine day when your stars actually take pity on you and decide to shine down, you disown them...and then starts the conflict between you and your stars(with Mother Luck on their side)...Now whose to complain if you don't ever get lucky? tell me! Oh wait...who is even complaining in the first place :|
WHY do we have to stand people whom you TOTALLY can't stand...even if your life depended on them?? Well...thats cause THAT is a way to make you feel how hapless you actually can almost picture the Gods laughing at you...Like...What the fuck ??? this hyper awesome human can't run away from a single person???!!!! But far as I know...these humans who so get on your lastest nerve know very well the art of FOLLOWING you around !!!!!! so basically...its just like Velcro ! can't do much...can you? if yes...then let me know!!! May be I can get this pseudo latex mask which can make me completely unrecognizable...won't that work??? hoping around with the mask??? how cool is that!!! may be it turns into some sort of a fashion statement :D :| Oh well...THIS just shows how freaked I am !
WHY do we have to smile for things we don't really want to agree to? Is it cause smiling is a means of just showing your mean it or you don't...even the devils neighbor wouldn't care ! initially you actually feel you CAN rebel and WILL go against those things...MAKE LIFE DIFFICULT for those doers...but then...gradually when you realize that Lady Luck hates you...and totally LOVES them...all this CAN and WILL and REBEL and MAKE LIFE DIFFICULT suddenly seems like some ancient joke...and now you know WHY exactly do you just smile ??? :)
WHY do we exactly have to embarrass ourselves??? tell you WHY? Basically cause thats the only thing you excel into your reflection in the window of a car and adjusting your hair while there are people(who you do not know) sitting INSIDE the car...starring at you with shock-n-amusement...and then running away before they lower the pane ... :|  or the worse...You think you are a bit too smart(hah!) and so you complain about your own brother to your mom (for eg) while you'v made sure that he is not in the room...and look see WHAT? well...your bro standing right you the I-will-kill-you look of the decade...AND to prove your innocence you try and change the topic...but alas! this time your mom too adds to your efforts in embarrassing yourself...and she...acts like a totally amateurish actor and just stats start looking around...she starts looking around...oh well...WHERE is the back up plan now???!!!! look for it....quick...all the while...the intruder is smiling...uhh hh...the smile not exactly means a SMILE...but never'v already ruined your chances!!! and then...for the next whole week you have to act like your the most angelic angel cum sis on earth...ouch...just landed from heaven ! touche ! Nice no?
And finally...WHY do we live life to impress and not to express? WHY do we get up every day only to think of what we'll be doing to impress someone? WHY do we dress up just to act like Cleopatra who is just about to seduce someone?? :O WHY can't we not see a particular person and still be happy all throughout the day? WHY do we suddenly start acting like we'v always been this oh-i'm-miss-lovely-cum-cutie-cum-smiley-little-sunshine-kid-who-so-loves-giggling-and-making-oh la la kind of expressions everytime we see our hearthrobe ????!!!!! ridiculous no? and the worse is...we whine and crib and bore everyone around us with it...our heart wrenching tales...about what? about how we got all dressed up and still couldn't see that particular fellow. now! think about it...What if the guy/girl totally HATES you...or may be prefers to be in the company of some 3 eyed green monster than look at you...or worse...what if they actually ARE scared of you??? would you like kill them just cause you'v lived life to impress THEM...and now you just WANT them to be impressed...and just WANT them to hold up with you??!! come on...grow up!! Express yourself...Impress yourself...Embarrass yourself...oops...!!! Oh wait...this impress thingy doesn't really make sense to me ha...Anyways...see, I don't really intend to come to any sort of conclusion...cause half of the above stuff are a part of my problamatic life :D May be its just a way to connect to you...thats if you DO live a life half as crazy and silly as mine :D Bottom Line: No talk really makes sense...cause evry talk these days is FREAK TALK :P no? have no idea how much more better I feel after blogging...Must do it a little too crap or will die... ...don't ask WHY though :D

INSANE.................Nandini !!! 

Thursday, November 5, 2009

At the Pearly gate of God

There I was,standing in front of a gate which seemed so different,yet seemed so familiar. Then,from the corner of my eye, I could see God walking right towards me.

Me: "God!!Is that you?"

God:"Yes, it's me.Here is my ID."

He showed me his ID. It read "God,CEO,Heaven Inc."

Me:"Oh My God!!!!!"


Me:"Never mind,it was just an expression."

God:"Dude,completely missed you,good to see you here.How are you?"

Me:"I think dead that I am standing in front of you :"

God:"Happy realization."

Me:"Good thing,I was a bit tired of life anyways. By the way where is the nearest 24/7 located?Need to buy some personal stuff like (vodka) :P before its 2 am."

God:"Its just round the corner,take first left after the entrance."

Me:"Cool, just the way it was in good old G.T.Take a left and just round the corner..nice. Is MD state license a valid ID in heaven?"

God:"You left it on earth dude.But don't worry the guy in there knows you are above the legal age to drink."

Me:"Hey,is that 24/7 wala Sri Lankan guy dead too? He never checked my ID on earth too...nice. Will be fun to make fun of him here as well when Sri Lanka lose their next game against India."

God gives me a blank look.

God:"btw i have a few questions for you, care to answer? "

Me:"Shoot.Be quick please. Need to reach before 2"

And that is when the conversation got a little serious.

God:"Don't you get angry at me for all the pain you suffered?"

Me:"I was, at some point,terribly pissed off. But in that pain you taught me the meaning of life and gave me some valuable lessons. At some point of time, I wanted to give up. But you gave me the courage and the desire along with the pain to keep me going."

God:"Do you really think I am so bad to be hated by so many people?People blame me for all the bad in the world,but rarely thank me for whatever good happens."

Me:"No Dude!!.Its just that you were too kind that you allowed them the freedom to think that way. And people tend to think of you only when they are in the dust, and not when they are soaring in the skies. I have a question though. Why don't you meet people face-to-face? This will help them realize your existence every day of their life."

God:"I am present everywhere. You just need to see me. You can find me in a beautiful sunset, or when I go walking in the woods and see beautiful birds and hear them chirping. I also can be seen in innocent children's eyes, or someone doing something genuinely nice. I answer all your prayers. You just need to find the answer yourself. It is right there. All you need is the vision."

Me:"Ah!!So you ask me questions and then hand over the cheat sheet. All I need to do is find where the answer lies. You give an assignment but you give a sample code. I just need to modify it.Ah, why didn't I realize this when I was alive.You are smart!"

God gives me a disgusted look. . Maybe,it was the cause of my death.

God:"Have you sinned in your life young lady?"

Me:"Uhh..yes. More times than I can count. But,I regret all the sins I have done. I tried to compensate for them as much I could. God, I am sorry. Sorry for hurting people with my senseless and unthoughtful acts."

God:"I appreciate your honesty son.Proceed.Hope you have a good time in here. You need to ring the bell there to get into heaven."

Me:"Thank you."

I took a few steps,paused and looked back at God.

Me:"You knew I answered all those in hurry.I was really thirsty.Don't you?"

God:"Ofcourse Girl!"

I started ringing the bell. It kept ringing and ringing and kept growing irritatingly loud. I rubbed my eyes to see my cell phone ringing. Without my chasma,all I could see is "G....".G??God?What is happening?Am I alive or dead? Where am I? I picked up the cell hesitantly. The voice on the other side said,"Hi duffer,[ it was DODO] kab se call ker rahi hun   y dont you pick up the cell :O

Still wild, will always be,Nandini !

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Haffin Haffin Hu!!! Look!!! How stress can affect your way of saying HI..!!!! Anywaz...Lets NOT talk abt saddy saddy things...Lemme talk about somethng that lightens my mood! Err...Not Tangy pleashh!!! *grins* Nah...ronaldo...*teary eyed*......*sigh*...I still like him though!!! ANYWAYS!! Lets talk about TINKERBELL...*beams*
Well...Tinkerbell...(see her pic up there u dodo!!) is this complete sweetheart!!!!! Now that  u'v seen the pic, dont ask me WHAT is she??? *fumes*  Shes this cute little COW *grins* with a silver bell hanging around her neck...Not a REAL cow though...Shez a key chain!!! DAMN cute!!! I must say!!! Brown in colour...a PINK nose....Yellow fluffy locks...the silver bell....A yellow flower...*ohh shooo cute!!*.n For all doz who ask me about  the  flower I tell u shes picked it up while grazing...*glares* Im sooo sick of ppl asking me about it!!!! Swear it, shes damn cute...Ask my friends *they envy me i say!!* n shez got the map of Swiss engraved rite behind her...reminds me of GEOGRAPHY!!!*worried!* Coz shez from Swiss!!!^_^~ My Darling Dad  got her for me!!!! must have thanked my Dad a zillion times!!! Been with me for 4 years(not the Dad u moron...TINKERBELL!!)...4 WHOLE YEARS!!! Attached to a box of mine...shes rite b4 me for half of d day!!! *silly look* Looking at her...Tingling her silver bell....makes me Happy!!!!^_^ Most of the time during Lectures and classes  im either adoring her...or.....zzzzzzzzz....*giggles* n wonder i loooove the game COWS n bulls...(hehehhehe!!) Dodo(read:Anjali!) n me once tried to set her up with Dodoz bugg...(its a key chain too!!!)...lolz..!!! Then on i ask Dodo to stay miles away from my Tinkerbell! I know  i sound damn silly!!!! Come on...Don't tell me  ur surprised...*grins* Anyways...I even go around clicking Tiner's pics...(hehehehe!!) n my friends and family  r sick of that! but at the end of the day...I loooove my Tinkerbell! n im sure shes worth it...I mean...must hav got 1001 compliments from everyone  already!!!!
Dont know what would I do if i ever loos  her...*shudders*...i really dont wanna....swear! Till then...she is with  me...^_^...n  u know what??? I even celebrate her durin the First week of wish her Happy ppl *giggles* I know u mst be actually wondering WTS RONG wid me! Never mind....! Thats it about Tinkerbell.. She'll be damn happy that i actually blog about her...*omg*!!!! *tell my friends*--->Don't give me that exasperated look ppl!!!!! U hav to c HER wenever u meet me...hehehhe!!...

Still wild, will always be,Nandini !

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Wont .... I Will Not .

Its after ages that I got this  free time  to myself!! I decided, like always, to do something, like something productive! And surprisingly I did!! I did afterall clear up my shoe cabinet  and this little cabinet I use to dump everything into, everything means everything! Towards the end of it, I had this huuuuuuuge pile of things I decided I would chuck out. Shoes, flippers, chappals, formal wear, stuff to be worn on kurtis, more flippers, more chappals, some flats which I brought myself and had completely forgotten about, some which I NEVER wore after say a few times, and even after all this, I, currently own precisely 145 pairs of foot wear out of which am sure only very few  are going to be used, really. Over from the cabinet I discovered bottle and bottles of lotions and creams I’v never used, nail paint bottles, glosses, anklets, bangles, watches,  (!!), clips, bands, sachets, age old toothbrushes (!!!), atleast a zillion earrings, long forgotten notes of $10, even a music player!!! My next target is my wardrobe, and that pile is going to be yet another story altogether!! Basically, when I actually got thinking about when and how and why did I buy most of this stuff and when and how and why did I forget about it, I realized that THIS junk is only a little chunk of the massive pile of things, people, commitments, resolutions, ideas, grudges, favors etc etc that we forget. And I mumbled an oath to myself, like I always do, to never forget things now on.
Oh yes, that does mean that I will now on wear/use stuff I buy, not once or twice, but over and over again, just to please those things who died waiting to be worn/used by me :)
I will never buy stuff which is black in color, cause most of the stuff I chucked out was black in color.
I will never buy clothes from  Nordstrom cause most of the stuff I buy from there does not appeal to me after I get back home.
I will not wait till nail paints dry up and then convince myself that adding nailpaint remover will un-dry it and never end up actually doing it.
I will never buy anything apart from lip gloss and kajal, the only things I actually use.
I will never stock sachets and sachets of shampoo only to change the brand altogether.
I will never buy girlie or frilly tops, singlet’s, tunics or stuff of that sort cause I bloody can’t see myself dress up like a Barbi Dall .

I will never talk to Pooja (cause if I do, I will end up screaming and abusing her, and , Gyaani ji says we shouldn’t talk ill or make fun of others…no no no)
I will not pass comments on how my  prof looks like a dried mango seed, precisely (cause Gyaani ji says we shouldn’t talk ill or make fun of others…no no no)
I will never pass a comment on anyone’s fashion sense may they be wearing orange striped denim or torn stockings (you already know why :P)
I will not loiter around in the Cafeteria every  day, munch on random stuff a bit less even when am not hungry.
I will not suck on a straw until I can feel the taste of the plastic glass.
I will not waste my time , instead go to the library and study.
I will try and not be the last one to enter my  class, and the first one to leave.
I will not think about " someone" in class.
I will stop wearing a watch, so that i wont be tempted to check the time every second .
I will not listen to Kelly [ my new friend ] even if she has something interesting to tell me, like the guy on the last bench resembles a lizard or worse, like the freaky kid from The Grudge. No I wont laugh till I cry and get distracted even when she imitates and screams like the freaky kid.
I will not take people to places I myself don’t know about.
I will not sleep in the train, cause these days I don’t always get up at the right stop.
I will not go to class at all if I get up on the wrong side of the bed.
I will not go ahead with the day if I spot a spider  in the morning.
I will not put myself to sleep listening to Superstar and then have the stupid song stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
I dont know what it is,
That makes me feel like this,
I dont know who you are,
But you must be some kind of superstar,
Coz you got all eyes on you no matter where you are,
(you just make me wanna play)
Oh and I also wont ever walk out unintentionally when Mom’s talking, she dint talk to me for a good whole day the last time after that.
Oh and I’ll stop treating my blog like Paris Hilton treats her pet pooch, like groom it and all…just shows HOW jobless I really am inspite of having such a long NOT to-do list :/

Yes, I wont.

Still wild, will always be,Nandini !