Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I wana Hold your HAND :)

A couples of  weeks ago, I had an experience that has really stuck in my head. The resident and I were performing a painful procedure on a patient, and I could tell that he was really enduring a lot of pain by the grimace on his face. As I’ve done in the past, I instinctively reached out my hand and held his hand in mine. I allowed him to grip my fingers, and told him to squeeze my hand as hard as he needed to.
He started squeezing my fingers, and suddenly his face turned from a grimace to a smile. The change was rather startling, and so I jokingly told him that I’d never seen a patient with such a huge grin on their face while undergoing such a painful procedure. He smiled even more and said that it was because he was so happy to hold such a “pretty girl’s”? hand. I smiled back, and soon the procedure was over.
I think it probably makes common sense that hand holding might bring some relief from pain. We all reflexively hold a child’s hand when they’re in pain. And I believe that even the most callous people might agree that there is something powerful about the human touch. Hugs are an even better example. I don’t know when the hug was invented, but I’m sure that it’s been around for quite some time. People of all races, ethnicities, and cultures seem to use the hug as a means of displaying affection. And while certain cultures might value human touch to varying degrees, I think we all agree on its significance.
One of the most well known studies on the power of touch and the importance of physical and social interaction is that of Harry Harlow. In his famous experiments, he allowed rhesus monkeys to choose either a cloth or wire “?surrogate mother,”? both with and without a bottle of milk attached. Regardless of which mother had the bottle, the monkeys continued to choose the softer, cloth mothers. He also performed other controversial experiments, including ones where he deprived the monkeys of all physical or social interaction. The lack of physical touch produced monkeys with severe psychological pathologies, and in a few cases led to their deaths from self-induced starvation.
A study recently published in the journal Science also found some interesting results with regard to “warm hands and a warm heart.”? The researchers found that if people were given something warm to hold, they subsequently described other people as having “warmer”? personality traits, such as being more generous, more social, happier, and better natured. They also discovered that people who held something warm were more likely to behave in a friendly and generous way.
I’ve only begun to scratch the surface of the importance of the human touch, but you can see that the subject is much more than simply skin deep (pun intended). I tried to find some research that supports my anecdotal notion that holding someone’s hand who is in pain can serve to decrease their perception of the pain, but I was unable to find much research on this topic. Perhaps it’s a topic that will be further explored in the future.
Holding_hands_2But for the time being, I will continue to hold my patients’ hands. Whether they are in pain, or just very sad, or just very lonely, or even just very happy, I will continue to offer my hands to them. And hopefully when I need a hand to hold, someone will do the same for me :)

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Family Medicine Rocks :))

I really can’t say enough how happy I am right now. I had perhaps the best day in med school thus far. I drove  to a health clinic a few miles away. I was set up with a resident and met four patients. The resident was so awesome! :) He let me do everything. I did the H&Ps, wrote the SOAP notes, and even wrote the orders for all the patients. I did good! My resident and attending both complimented me on my skills.:)
One of my patients presented with a simple complaint, but when I pressed further, she admitted to me that she’s been under a ton of stress lately. She ended up bursting into tears, and I ended up giving her a hug and consoling her. Is it okay to hug patients? Well maybe not in all cases. But I believe that I did the right thing. I think I’ll write more about that later. But she thanked me. She told me that I was a great doctor. I felt like I did something really, really good.:)
I am just enjoying family medicine so much. I also really liked out-patient experience. Up to this point in med school,  I’ve only dealt with patients in hospitals. It was so good to have some actual clinic experience.
I even diagnosed a dermatological condition that my resident had never heard of! Talk about impressed! :))) Both my resident and attending gave me "mad props" for that one.!!!
The weather was nice. I even went for a walk . I’m getting ready to eat some veggie Sub from Subway . Life is good. Very, very good!
well expect some little things here and there :|

Sealed with kiss by Nandini ! 

Saturday, March 20, 2010


 hello :) 
Today is yet ANTHER   very spacial day for me 
Today is Birthday of ANJALI  my BESTEST FRIEND  in the whole wide world ..
so please  be part of my happiness and wish  her The happiest Birthday ever!!!!
Anjali .. this is something i wrote for you ..

I know there much more to you,
than what you think i see.
i know because you seem,
exactly just like me.
it feels like your heart,
will never fully mend.
you don't like being alone,
and you hate losing a friend.
only a few good people,
know how to make you smile.
and having them in your life,
makes it all seem worthwhile.

here's a little inspiration,
from a person kind of like you.
the following information,
is the honest  truth:
i hope your rainy nights,
turn into sunny days.
and i hope you know i'm always here,
to make you feel okay.
i know sometimes you feel,
like your falling from the sky.
just remember people look up to you,
so flap your wings and fly.
i know this all because,
we have similar lives.
and in case you didn't know this yet,
you're an angel in disguise.

I  love so much anjali and Thank you for ALWAYS being there for me :)

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

I do not know what to write here :|

I am a bit odd in the head. You know, there are times when i am just normal. And then there are times when random things cross my mind and i start acting a bit crazed up. Like in the last two days I read two three books go yadda yadda yadda .(okay, uhm, i din't intend to sound the way you think i sound.) so ya, and then last night, i couldn't sleep. I had my family Medicine  exam in exactly 6 hours and there i was, wondering if i can still write or not...why? cause my alter ego reminded me that i hadn't updated my blog for the past 2-3 days and there IS a possiblity that i might have developed the oh-i-can-nomore-write syndrome in 3 days. 48-72 hours. Oh don't look at me. It was my alter ego. Anyway, the first thing i do after i come home, jab the keyboard furiously. Think. Type. Erase. Get Angry. Furious. Type some more. Erase some more more. Get angry some more more more. Shut eyes. THINK. TYPE. ERASE. And then, get tired. Yawn. Stretch. Calmly get up n go to the kitchen. Break open a packet of oreo cookies and munch on cookies  after cookies . Who cares man if i can write or not! When the brain wants to think, type and hit the post button, it will. Its like saying 'Don't teach daddy how to fuck' ?? opppsssssss :O

Moral of the post: BingoBoomBaamDhoomDhamDhishum! i CAN write. So ya, you still have a lot of rubbish coming you'r way, my child, before I retire *coughs like an old lady* (CLAP. the speech is over =/)
*goes away dancing. tapori dance.*
Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ponder AGAIN!

1. I will never complain about a problem. I will supply a solution instead.

2. I will listen more than I speak.

3. If I don’t know, I will ask questions.

4. Everything is nothing without happiness. I must do what makes me happy.

5. I will never succumb to greed. Enough is enough.

6. Time is precious. I will manage my time effectively.

7. Right now is the only guaranteed moment in my life. I will make the best of it.

8. I will stand firm by my values without senselessly promoting them.

9. I will never over-promise. I will over-deliver on everything I commit to.

10. I will always assess the situation and provide value where needed.

11. I cannot make someone love me. I can only be someone who can be loved. 

Sealed with  Kiss by Nandini !

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What am i up to ???

  I just finished up my fourth week of my family medicine rotation. Till now  I'm on  day- call at the hospital. I have learned  so much more in last 3-4 weeks . The residents give med students a lot of autonomy, and are also really into teaching. I performed my first pelvic exam, and I am now a pro at performing digital rectal exams:P heheheheh.. yeah :) The patients I’ve seen presented with a variety of complaints. I’ve admitted both elderly folks,I had misfortune of seeing someone loosing  his life :( . and   have seen  few children as well. I’m starting to actually feel like a real doctor :) Not only that, but I think I might just be falling in love with family medicine.
If you asked me few  weeks ago which speciality I planned on pursuing, I would have told you that there was a 90% chance that I was going into anesthetist .  I could easily imagine myself pursuing that specialty for the rest of my life. But now I’m starting to wonder if that’s true. I’m seriously considering what it would be like to pursue family medicine.???????
I think the coolest part about primary care, and family medicine in particular, is the variety of diseases and patients you treat. Instead of specializing, and focusing on just one aspect of the patient, you really have to consider the entire person. Not only that, but with family med, you treat all ages. You have to posses at least basic ob/gyn skills. You need to have a mastery of pediatrics. There is just so much more to consider, and the skill set seems larger than with other specialties.
Some people might liken the field of family medicine to being a “jack of all trades, but master of none.” But from what I’ve seen thus far, it’s more like “a master of a few trades, and a jack of many.”
The next two weeks of my rotation will be spent at a clinic close to the hospital. I am absolutely thrilled about experiencing all that the clinic has to offer. Thus far, I have only spent time as a medical student inside the hospital. This will be my first out-patient rotation, and I have a feeling that it’s really going to change my perspective and hopefully broaden my horizons.
I think another part of the appeal of family medicine for me is that I am distinctly aware of the importance of primary care medicine. I believe that the nation is in fact facing a shortage of primary care physicians, and I really like the idea of being a part of the solution to this problem.

No matter how things turn out, I am so grateful to have had all the incredible learning experiences that I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy during this rotation. I guess only time will tell. But I’m excited to have a whole new world of possibilities opening up to me!
Till next time ...

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

GUEST post by Anjali :)

Yo ppl!!
I  have written  this  for my BEST  friend Nandini  Arya . 
I'll call this poem  "SHE" as I described her from my prospective .. 


She either chatters too much, or too little. Sometimes she doesn’t talk at all for a few days.

She likes everything that’s green- the colour makes her heart beam.

She listens in on conversations at cafes and laughs to herself at how crazy people’s lives can be.

She never treads on tile joints on the concrete road, but she jumps with all her energy in every monsoon puddle.

She plays with every dog on the street and throws in a chat or two when she thinks no one’s watching. Come again?? FYI Dogs are great listeners!

She sings one line of a song again and again in her own personalized manner till her friends have to plead her to stop, but no, she still sings it-even more louder

She dances in front of the mirror, to the worst songs, that’s the one time she doesn’t wince at the sight of herself. She knows she can dance better than most people!

She sleeps with kajal in her eyes, and never steps outside her house without it.

She wears the same belt daily, though she has a superb collection of them, only coz it gives her good luck!

She listens to 1 song over and over for hours together one day, and hums it all of the next day.

She draws whatever she finds, and reads anything placed in front of her.

She likes the sound of awkward silences.

She thinks everything is cute and sweet.

She loves a little bit of mess in her room. Only then does it feel like home.

She washes her hands every 10 minutes. She hates it if her hands don’t smell of soap…any kind of soap.

She ALWAYS  wears a watch.

She follows football with a lot of enthusiasm.

She loves hot chocolate on a rainy evening, sitting by the window listening to  music in the background.

She had a huge crush on Wolverine ( Hugh Jackman) and Captain Jack Sparrow (yes on Johnny Depp). Deal with it.

She is fascinated by blood, death, fire and swords. But she is NOT emo.

She really respects quick wit, chivalry and expressiveness.

She has bad hair years!

She smiles unpredictably and beautifully 

She doesn’t have to be drunk to behave like a lunatic!

She follows her heart for everything..

She….Is NANDINI :)

 I love you nanu ..I'm so Thankful to God for giving such a superb Friend/Sister !!