Wednesday, September 30, 2009

NO CLOTHES, really??

I open my cupboard every morning, to let out a sigh, 'I have no friggin clothes'!!
I do manage to put a decent Outfit together, almost everyday but yet I'm totally lusting for some outfit that hasn't found its way into my wardrobe yet. Being a [soon to be ] doctor and an immensely creative person (so I would like to believe)... I am always unhappy and find my way to the mall quite often... and my life is a one BIG circle.

Lack of clothes - Impulsive buys - total Bliss - Many compliments - more desires - lack of choices - Dissatisfaction ..... BACK TO MALL!!
I go on living this weird pattern (knowingly) and then comes along this spirited young girl.. looking fabulous everyday :P, working her way to a (Noble) cause ... while i lay mostly bankrupt with an overflowing wardrobe and yet no where in the same zipcode as Noble!!:P

Where did I go wrong? I should have taken a few tips from Anjali:(then again i thought NAAH!!! ,

PS: if Dad is reading this please pay closes attenuation , your Daughter is in need for big moola[money] :D

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !