Friday, July 2, 2010

Scream Enough and You’ll get what you Want...

The other day I was about to discharge a psych patient who had been signed out to me from the night before. The psychiatrist had evaluated a woman with a long history of cocaine and ETOH abuse who had come in seeking psych admission. It was evident to the doctor that the patient was just “wanting a place to stay” because she did not like staying with her sister any more. She denied suicidal ideation and had never had a history of self injury. Thus, he told me I could discharge her. Great. No prob.
Five minutes later all hell broke loose. The woman absolutely refused to leave and threw everything around in her room. She screamed curses at us and spat on the floor. She capped off this tantrum with a loud proclamation – “God Dammit, I am gonna KILL MYSELF if you don’t admit me!!!! To me, this was obvious bull shit and I was ready to call the police to escort her out, but alas, my spineless psychiatric Doctor  had no such balls. He broke down after 10 minutes and admitted her for hotel room accommodations at taxpayer expense because of her threats. Of course I found out that two days later, after the long weekend, she signed herself out of the hospital, evidently convincing the psychiatrist on call that day that she was not suicidal after all. What a surprise.

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Got 10 Minutes to Run and Get Something to Eat? Think Again.

It really sucks when it is so busy that you don’t get a chance to eat for 8-10 hours. I am not counting poaching a Jello cup from the patient refrigerator – I mean able to sit down for 10 or 15 min and eat some left overs from the night before or some semi-edible grub from the cafeteria. You basically wait til you see the opportunity (like a short track speed skater waiting to make a pass) and then seize it. You suddenly realise everyone is on a holding pattern no one needs to be seen right away. Off you go. You decide to rush off to the cafeteria and hopefully there is something there that is not totally laden with fat and sodium that actually tastes good. You stand in line anxiously awaiting your turn to pay so you can scarf down that pasta  thing. Unfortunately fate can be cruel. You may get  call back to report to the station or  there may be several elderly people in front of you taking a million years to count out pennies to pay for their Boston Creme Pie, You may have forgotten money yourself. Or worse, the person in front of you may suddenly get lightheaded and syncopise right there in the check out line. You will then have to abandon your anticipated nourishing behaviour and put your food down. You will have to run the rapid response call right there in front of the register while everyone gawks. You will have to help put the person on the stretcher and then accompany them over to the ER. Alas, they will be your next patient and you will remain hungry.

Sealed with  kiss by Nandini !