Friday, February 26, 2010

I Found A Penny Today....

I Found A Penny Today,
Just Laying On The Ground.
But It’s Not Just A Penny,
This Little Coin I’ve Found.
Found Pennies Come From Heaven,
That’s What My Dad Told Me.
Daddy Said, Angels Always Toss Them Down.
Oh, How I Loved That Story.
He Said When An Angel Misses You,
They Toss A Penny Down.
Sometimes Just To Cheer You Up,
And Make A Smile Out Of Your Frown.
So Don’t Just Pass By That Penny,
When You’re Feeling Blue.
It May Be A Penny From Heaven,
That An Angel’s Tossed To You

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oh!! so hard to be a doctors..

As a medical student you get used to a feeling of power very quickly. Striding down the hospital hallways, stethoscope draped prominently across your shoulders and an important look on your face, patients and staff make way for you, reverent looks on their faces. There is an implicit trust across the consultation room table, even though the only lives you're going to save anytime soon are those of your greedy intestinal bacteria as you choose which sandwich you're going to have for lunch.

It is with full awareness of this trust that I bring to you these vignettes from med school. I've only been here just  one week, but have managed to piss off two consultants, three janitors and one VERY large clinical teaching co-ordinator who may or may not have been wrestling champion in her original village in Africa. Stay tuned for more faith-reinforcing tales like this:

On Monday afternoon, three[ me n two of my mates ] supposedly world-class medical students in a supposedly world-class university stand in the hallway of a supposedly world-class hospital...:P  brows are furrowed in intense concentration, as if lives hung in the balance of our deliberations. Thick textbooks are clutched in  hands. The conversation goes something like this:

"Hey dudes. You watch House, right?"

"Um yeah. Why?"

"Cause here comes Asian Cuddy. Act natural."

"Dude, use that textbook to cover your open mouth --"


Three supposedly world-class medical students, between them holding degrees in Cardiology, Surgery & Anaesthesia and Experimental Psychology, whistle nonchalantly as the Clinical Teaching Co-ordinator walks by, smiling sweetly as she chats on the phone.

"Dude that did NOT look like Cuddy."

"It so totally DID! Did you see the cleavage on that one?"

"Meh...I see the resemblance. But-- ooh she dropped a pen. She's bending over!"

Silence for a moment.



"NOW she looks like Dr Cuddy."

More silence.

"Hey, didn't our sumo wrestler  called us  like ten minutes ago?"


 Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Well Wishes for YOU !!

For this wonderful Thing call FRIENDSHIP  , I wish you life's simple pleasures,

Like green lights when you’re driving and other priceless little treasures .

You switch on the radio and they play ‘your’ song,

You learn to love your life, even when everything goes wrong.

All your Java programs compile,
And you never forget to save your file.

When you check your inbox ten times a day,
Your love calls you and you realize you were just a phone away!

You find a pen, when you need it, just beside the writing pad.
Hug your Darling  mum and dance with your  Dear Dad.

Hope you have a sequel to your favorite movie,
And that your shoes are in and your clothes groovy.

Look at the question paper and secretly smile seeing just the questions you prepared for.
You perform at the college  festival and the crowd shouts “Once more… once more”

Someone you met ages back still remembers you!
Do that one thing you’re afraid you won’t be able to.

Dance in the rain when everyone is hiding underneath their umbrella,
Still believe that the prince lived happily ever after with Cinderella.

Your sisters/ brothers  thinks you’re sleeping and kisses you goodnight,
You patch up with someone special after a long, ugly fight.

Look at the sky knowing someone would be looking at it too.
Someone makes you happy just by singing for you.

Your mum never signs up for  Orkut or  Facebook,
A cute stranger gives you a friendly look.

Well, I wrote this rhyme for no reason...
But to make you smile this season. XOXO

Sealed with a  kiss by Nandini !!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Guest Post by Dad !

Hello readers:)
as of now you all must know me as I  write  the comments on this blog, but today I got the chance to write the Blog. thank you Nandini  for giving me this opportunity  I feel very Privileged .
 Today is a very hard day for us, Oh how  I wish this time can just stop right here because I don"t want  tomorrow to come, Tomorrow my baby Daughter[ Nandini ] will be stepping in the big world all over again and this time more stronger then ever, and I can't tell how proud and happy we are for you.
     This is  the time when being  the Parent is most difficult thing to be in the world, when we want  to keep you  close to us all safe and protected from every thing but  we know we have to let you go, believe me it will  not be  easy at all when  I'll see you leaving home.  but deep down i know u'll be alright, you are very strong and smart  girl, sometime I wish I could be as strong   as you are, spaciously  after all you have been through, Hats off to you. All I want you to know that  I and your Mum  your Brothers will  always be with you, I'll always be right here  just the call away . So go ahead and be the Best as you can be .You are precious and My  "PARI"  keep smiling :)
Here is  a beautiful  song for you  just to let you know that I'll always be with you no matter how far you go or I go .

  I love you Darling Daughter of main .Cheers to you !


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Papa :)

This is neither about Amitabh Bacchan nor a moive rating post...this is about Paa MY paa...

I got my Paa  home today for whole day  (dekho meri mum's issmlee :D)

Having him available all Day [apart week-ends makes me feels so carefree..

I don't have to think about what will happen in week or two but i don't know i'm feeling so Different today,it's  weird feeling like something is changing and i just wana be close to him,
I Hugged him tightly as soon as  he got up ...felt like a lil kid again...and gossiped with him about all my friends n movies i watched and stuff ...Past year was  very  difficult  for us and i just want to  say that I love him so much and miss him whenever he is not around ...
Dad ..... just want  you to know that i hope you know how much i love you, and appreciate all your love and support you provide despite of all what i put you through . THANK YOU :)  you are BEST  Dad of the world!
(this quote is  just for you) 
The greatest gift I ever had Came from God; I call him Dad!

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !