Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Scared? Me? No!

Look at that!
That blatant Truth staring at me... unwilling to waver it's gaze.

I am scared. Am I?
Probably not. But its just a scary thought of this Truth coming closer to me. I can't help it though. It will eventually reach up to me with those glaring Red eyes which I dread. Damn it! Where is that pile of sand which i want to bury my head into? Or that time machine which can either take me back or forward 2 1/2 months right now (does that time period ring a bell anyone?) . I don't want to face what is coming my way.

It's curiosity mixed with anticipation. Its this parallel duality of what i romanticize and... well and the truth of the present circumstances. I don't mind either to be frank. But like all those who know me well enough can guess...I cant stand not knowing or not being able to help 'it'.

So what should i do?
The Plan Of Action (POA) as of now is to just deal with it. Distract myself till this feeling dies. (distraction=sand box??? no maybe just fight back n get lost in world of the books )

Stop staring you horrid beast with bloodshot eyes[just in case you don't know what it is, It is my step1 exam eeeeeeeehhhhhh ]. You might not realize it but the effect of your appearance is freaky. Go away. Or maybe attack me from behind. I am good with handling surprise attacks. But this? Not happening!
*secretly meditates*:)

Sealed with a kiss by Nandini !